INSTRUCTOR: Creative Developer, Writer, Producer, Brainstormer
Danny Friedman loves cartoons. Professionally, Danny has worked in development for Sunbow Entertainment, 4Kids!, Sesame Workshop, Common Sense Media, BabyFirst, TonieBox, Outfit7 and consulted for many other great brands. He loves nothing better than meeting with other creative people and developing characters, stories, and worlds. Danny was the Director of Creative Development and Lead Producer for Elemental Path, creator of the Cognitoy Dino, an interactive toy that won IBM’s Watson Challenge and was a Time Magazine Invention of the Year. For years, Danny’s job was to tell a dinosaur what to do, which, you have to admit, is pretty cool… Today, Danny is busy at work, creating his own cartoon ideas, head-writing for an animated series he co-created, and taking care of his son, who he also co-created…